MAP 2323 (continued)
001 (continued)
Adapter port 2 is identified as B1.
Adapter port 3 is identified as B2.
SRNs 21000 through 29000 include the adapter port number (0–3).
Go to Step 002.
(From step 001)
– Observe the SRN that sent you to this MAP. It is in the series 21PAA through
29PAA (where P is the number of the adapter port, and AA is the SSA address of
the device).
Note the value of PAA in the SRN. For example:
If the SRN is 24002, PAA = 002.
If the SRN is 24104, PAA = 104.
– Observe the screen, and identify the physical device that is represented by PAA in
the SRN.
Note: If the SSA address (AA) in the SRN is higher than the highest SSA address
that is displayed for the adapter port (P), that address is the address of the
SSA RAID Adapter.
Read through the following examples if you need help in identifying the device, then go
to Step 003 on page 2323-3. Otherwise, go directly to Step 003 on page 2323-3.
Example 1
If the SRN is 24002, the device is connected to adapter port 0 (shown as A1 on the
screen), and has an SSA address of 02 (shown as 2 on the screen). In the example
screen, that device is the third disk drive.
2323-2 IBM SerialRAID Adapter Maintenance Information