This MAP helps you to solve problems that have occurred in SSA RAID arrays.
Attention: It is not necessary to turn off the system unit when servicing and SSA link,
unless it needs to be turned off for some other reason. Unit power cables and external
SSA cables that connect devices to the system can be disconnected while that system
is running.
Before starting this MAP, ensure that all the disk drives are working correctly.
1. Using the DOS Configurator, select SSA Adapter List from the main menu
2. Select the required adapter from the List.
3. Select Disk Service Aids from the Adapter menu.
│ISSACFG SSA Configurator and Service Aids yymmdd DOS Version"
│ Main Menu │
│ ┌─────────────────────────────────────┐
│ │ Disk Service Aids │
│ ├─────────────────────────────────────┤
│ │ Link SSA UID Status │
│ │ Port A1 │
│ │ UIDxxxxx │
│ │ UIDyxxxx │
│ │ UID3xxxx │
│ │ UID4xxxx │
│ │ Port A2 │
│ │ Port B1 │
│ │ No disks │
└──│ Port B2 │
│ │
│ │
│<ESCAPE> Exit <ENTER> Select <F1> Help <F2> Format │
│<F3> Certify <F4> ServiceMode <F5> Diagnostics <F9> FlashOn │
│<F1> FlashOff │
4. Select Run Concurrent Diagnostics to identify any disk drive problems that have
5. Check the Status column to find any power problems, SSA link problems, and SSA
disk drives that have a Failed status.
6. Correct all those problems before you start this procedure.
Attention: Some of the steps in this MAP need you to change the configuration of the
array, or to change the use of an SSA disk drive. Do not do those steps unless you
have the user’s permission.
(Step 001 continues)
MAPs 2324-1