8-Bit Microprocessor with OTP ROM
Product Specification (V1.2) 05.18.2007
• 73
(This specification is subject to change without further notice)
Symbol Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Unit
Operating supply current
at two clocks (VDD to 3V)
/RESET= 'High', Fosc=32kHz
(Crystal type,CLKS="0"), output
pin floating, WDT disabled
15 20 μA
Operating supply current
at two clocks (VDD to 3V)
/RESET= 'High', Fosc=32kHz
(Crystal type,CLKS="0"), output
pin floating, WDT enabled
15 25 μA
Operating supply current
at two clocks
/RESET= 'High', Fosc=4MHz
(Crystal type, CLKS="0"), output
pin floating, WDT enabled
1.9 2.2 mA
Operating supply current
at two clocks
/RESET= 'High', Fosc=10MHz
(Crystal type, CLKS="0"), output
pin floating, WDT enabled
3.0 3.5 mA
Note: These parameters are hypothetical, have not been tested and are provided for design reference only.
Data in the Minimum, Typical and Maximum (“Min”, Typ”, Max”) columns are based on hypothetical
results at 25
°C. These data are for design reference only.
Internal RC Electrical Characteristics (Ta=25°C, VDD=5 V, VSS=0V)
Drift Rate
Internal RC
Temperature Voltage Min. Typ. Max.
4MHz 25°C 5V 3.84MHZ 4MHz 4.16MHz
8MHz 25°C 5V 7.68MHz 8MHz 8.32MHz
1MHz 25°C 5V 0.96MHz 1MHz 1.04MHz
455kHz 25°C 5V 436.8kHz 455kHz 473.2kHz
Internal RC Electrical Characteristics (Ta=-40 ~85°C, VDD=2.2~5.5 V, VSS=0V)
Drift Rate
Internal RC
Temperature Voltage Min. Typ. Max.
4MHz -40°C ~85°C 2.2V~5.5 V 3.24MHZ 4MHz 4.76MHz
8MHz -40°C ~85°C 2.2V~5.5 V 6.4MHz 8MHz 9.6MHz
1MHz -40°C ~85°C 2.2V~5.5 V 0.81MHz 1MHz 1.19MHz
455kHz -40°C ~85°C 2.2V~5.5 V 368.55kHz 455kHz 541.45kHz