vi • Product Specification (V1.2) 05.18.2007
Specification Revision History
Doc. Version Revision Description Date
1.0 Initial official version 2005/06/16
1.1 Added the IRC drift rate in the feature 2006/05/29
1. Improved the contents and format of the Features
section, Fig.4-1 EM78P259N/260N Functional Block
Diagram, Fig.6-2 TCC and WDT Block Diagram and
Fig.6-11 IR/PWM System Block Diagram.
2. Modified Section 6.7 Analog-to-Digital Converter( ADC)
3. Modified Section 6.13.1 Code Option Register (Word 0)
and Section 6.13.2 Code Option Register (Word 1)
4. Added Internal RC Electrical Characteristics
5. Modified Section 8.1 AD Converter Characteristics,
Section 8.2 Comparator (OP) Characteristics and
Appendix A. Package Type.