8-Bit Microprocessor with OTP ROM
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Product Specification (V1.2) 05.18.2007
(This specification is subject to change without further notice) Wake-Up and Interrupt Modes Operation Summary
All categories under Wake-up and Interrupt modes are summarized below.
Signal Sleep Mode Normal Mode
DISI + IOCF0 (EXIE) Bit2=1
Next Instruction + Set RF (EXIF)=1
ENI + IOCF0 (EXIE) Bit2=1
Interrupt Vector (003H) + Set RF (EXIF)=1
RE (ICWE) Bit1=0, IOCF0 (ICIE) Bit1=0 IOCF0 (ICIE) Bit1=0
Oscillator, TCC, TCCX and IR/PWM are stopped.
Port5 input status changed wake-up is invalid.
Port 5 input status change interrupted is invalid
RE (ICWE) Bit1=0, IOCF0 (ICIE) Bit1=1 N/A
Set RF (ICIF)=1,
Oscillator, TCC, TCCX and IR/PWM are stopped.
Port 5 input status changed wake-up is invalid.
RE (ICWE) Bit1=1, IOCF0 (ICIE) Bit1=0 N/A
Wake-up + Next Instruction
Oscillator, TCC, TCCX and IR/PWM are stopped.
RE (ICWE) Bit1=1, DISI + IOCF0 (ICIE) Bit1=1 DISI + IOCF0 (ICIE) Bit1=1
Wake-up + Next Instruction + Set RF (ICIF)=1
Oscillator, TCC, TCCX and IR/PWM are stopped.
Next Instruction + Set RF (ICIF)=1
RE (ICWE) Bit1=1, ENI + IOCF0 (ICIE) Bit1=1 ENI + IOCF0 (ICIE) Bit1=1
Port 5 Input
Status Change
Wake-up + Interrupt Vector (006H) + Set RF (ICIF)=1
Oscillator, TCC, TCCX and IR/PWM are stopped.
Interrupt Vector (006H)+ Set RF (ICIF)=1
DISI + IOCF0 (TCIE) Bit0=1
Next Instruction + Set RF (TCIF)=1
ENI + IOCF0 (TCIE) Bit0=1
TCC Over
Interrupt Vector (009H) + Set RF (TCIF)=1
RE (ADWE) Bit3=0, IOCE0 (ADIE) Bit5=0 IOCE0 (ADIE) Bit5=0
Clear R9 (ADRUN)=0, ADC is stopped,
AD conversion wake-up is invalid.
Oscillator, TCC, TCCX and IR/PWM are stopped.
AD conversion interrupted is invalid
RE (ADWE) Bit3=0, IOCE0 (ADIE) Bit5=1 N/A
Set RF (ADIF)=1, R9 (ADRUN)=0, ADC is stopped,
AD conversion wake-up is invalid.
Oscillator, TCC, TCCX and IR/PWM are stopped.
RE (ADWE) Bit3=1, IOCE0 (ADIE) Bit5=0 N/A
Wake-up + Next Instruction,
Oscillator, TCC, TCCX and IR/PWM keep on running.
Wake-up when ADC completed.
RE (ADWE) Bit3=1, DISI + IOCE0 (ADIE) Bit5=1 DISI + IOCE0 (ADIE) Bit5=1
Wake-up + Next Instruction + RE (ADIF)=1,
Oscillator, TCC, TCCX and IR/PWM keep on running.
Wake-up when ADC completed.
Next Instruction + RE (ADIF)=1
RE (ADWE) Bit3=1, ENI + IOCE0 (ADIE) Bit5=1 ENI + IOCE0 (ADIE) Bit5=1
AD Conversion
Wake-up + Interrupt Vector (00CH)+ RE (ADIF)=1,
Oscillator, TCC, TCCX and IR/PWM keep on running.
Wake-up when ADC completed.
Interrupt Vector (00CH) + Set RE (ADIF)=1