8-Bit Microprocessor with OTP ROM
Product Specification (V1.2) 05.18.2007
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(This specification is subject to change without further notice)
6.3 TCC/WDT and Prescaler
There are two 8-bit counters available as prescalers that can be extended to 16-bit
for the TCC and WDT respectively. The PST2 ~ PST0 bits of the CONT
register are used to determine the ratio of the TCC prescaler, and the PWR2 ~ PWR0
bits of the IOCE0 register are used to determine the WDT prescaler. The prescaler
counter is cleared by the instructions each time such instructions are written into TCC.
The WDT and prescaler will be cleared by the “WDTC” and “SLEP” instructions. Fig.
6-2 (next page) depicts the block diagram of TCC/WDT.
TCC (R1) is an 8-bit timer/counter. The TCC clock source can be an internal clock or
external signal input (edge selectable from the TCC pin). If TCC signal source is from
the internal clock, TCC will increase by 1 at every instruction cycle (without prescaler).
Referring to Fig. 6-2, CLK=Fosc/2 or CLK=Fosc/4 is dependent to the Code Option bit
<CLKS>. CLK=Fosc/2 if the CLKS bit is "0," and CLK=Fosc/4 if the CLKS bit is "1." If
TCC signal source is from an external clock input, TCC will increase by 1 at every
falling edge or rising edge of the TCC pin. The TCC pin input time length (kept in High
or Low level) must be greater than 1CLK.
The internal TCC will stop running when sleep mode occurs. However, during AD
conversion, when TCC is set to “SLEP” instruction, if the ADWE bit of the RE register
is enabled, the TCC will keep on running
The watchdog timer is a free running on-chip RC oscillator. The WDT will keep on
running even when the oscillator driver has been turned off (i.e., in sleep mode).
During normal operation or sleep mode, a WDT time-out (if enabled) will cause the
device to reset. The WDT can be enabled or disabled at any time during normal mode
through software programming. Refer to WDTE bit of IOCE0 register (Section 6.2.10
IOCE0 (WDT Control & Interrupt Mask Registers 2). With no prescaler, the WDT
time-out period is approximately 18ms
or or 4.5ms
VDD=5V, WDT time-out period = 16.5ms ± 30%
VDD=3V, WDT time-out period = 18ms ± 30%
VDD=5V, WDT time-out period = 4.2ms ± 30%
VDD=3V, WDT time-out period = 4.5ms ± 30%