Weather Display
Weather Display allows you to choose if you
want to view current or forecasted weather on the Weather View. Current
Weather displays the present weather conditions. Forecast weather displays the
30 minute forecast for the selected area. The screen refreshes at 2 minute
intervals in both view modes.
To select the Weather Display mode:
1. Highlight Weather Display on the Weather X-Press™ Menu.
2. Press the RIGHT or LEFT Cursor key to choose Current Weather or
Forecast Weather. (Current Weather, Forecast Weather; Default =
Current Weather)
Weather Detail Level
Weather Detail Level allows you to choose how
much weather data to display on the Weather View.
To set the Weather Detail Level:
1. Highlight Weather Detail Level on the Weather X-Press™ Menu.
2. Press the RIGHT or LEFT Cursor key to choose which weather data to
display. (All Weather, Color Grid Only, Alert Icons Only; Default = All
Weather X-Press™ Menu