WWeeaatthheerr IInnffoo SSuubbmmeennuu
The Weather Info submenu will display on the screen if the cursor is not
active and you press the INFO key. The Weather Info submenu provides
information for the area set in the Alert Radius or at least 60 miles, whichever
distance is greater. Information can be viewed in each of the categories below.
• Nearest Lightning indicates the lightning within the alert radius.
• Nearest Hail/Storm Potential indicates the hail or storm potential
within the alert radius.
• Nearest Strong Weather finds the closest heavy rain, heavy freezing
rain or ice, heavy snow, or dangerous winds.
• Nearest City activates the cursor to the nearest city in relation to
your current position. Press the INFO key to view the City Data
information box.
• “No results found within search area” If there are no weather
conditions to report for the category you select, your Fishing System
will display this message.
To view Weather Info submenu:
1. From the Weather View, press the
INFO key to access the Weather
Info submenu.
2. Press the UP or DOWN Cursor key
to choose a category, and press the
RIGHT Cursor key to access the
information for each category.
Weather Info Submenu