Installing the AS WX 1 Satellite Weather Receiver
Use the chart below to determine the appropriate mounting method for your
AS WX 1 Satellite Weather Receiver. The instructions for each mount are
described on the following pages.
NOTE:You must have an XM WX Satellite Weather® account and a GPS must also
be installed on your boat and connected to your Humminbird® FishingSystem.
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An antenna stem with standard 1" – 14 thread Stem Mount with 1" - 14 Thread
Access under mounting location Access Under Mounting Location
No access under mounting location No Access Under Mounting Location
For Best Performance: Mount the AS WX 1 Satellite Weather Receiver in an
area that provides full exposure to the sky. The effective area of reception is 10°
above the horizon, with a clear access to the south at all times.
It is also important to separate the receiver at least 3 feet from the control head.