SStteemm MMoouunntt wwiitthh 11"" -- 1144 TThhrreeaadd
Stem Mount describes when you have purchased or have a pre-existing
antenna pole to mount the AS WX 1 Satellite Weather Receiver.
For Best Performance:Mount the receiver in an area that provides full exposure
to the sky. The effective area of reception is 10° above the horizon, facing south.
It is also important to separate the receiver at least 3 feet from the control head.
If you have a pre-existing stem mount, proceed
to step 3.
1. Determine the best location to mount the
antenna pole (stem). Preplan and test the
cable routing to your Humminbird® unit
before you start drilling or cutting any
of your boat surfaces, and then route the
20’ (6 m) cable to the planned mounting
2. Mark the location and drill a 3/4” (19 mm)
hole for the cable and cable connector. If
you have purchased hardware to stem
mount your AS WX 1 Satellite Weather
Receiver, follow the instructions included
with that hardware to attach the stem to
the boat.
NOTE: 10’ extension cables may be purchased from
Humminbird® if your planned cable route exceeds 20’
(6 m). Maximum cable length, including extension
cables, should not exceed 50’ (16 m). Visit our web site
at www.humminbird.com, or call our Customer
Resource Center at 1-800-633-1468 to purchase
extension cables.
Stem Mount, Attaching
Receiver Base to Stem
Receiver Head