
Chapter 6: Enabler Installation and Configuration
This section discusses Honeywell supported features with Wavelink Avalanche Mobile Device Servers. This section is split
into three basic areas:
l Installation
l User Interface
l Enabler Configuration
To use the Wavelink Avalanche MC System, the following items are required:
l A desktop or laptop PC on which to install the Avalanche MC Console.
l A desktop or laptop PC on which to install the Avalanche Mobile Device Server (this can be the same PC where the
Avalanche MC Console is installed).
l Wavelink Avalanche MC Console 4.2 or later.
l A Wavelink Device License for each client device.
To use Avalanche Remote Control, the follow additional items are required:
l Wavelink Remote Control plug-in, 2.0 or later
l A Wavelink Remote Control License for each client device