1.6 Installation of Display Unit with DS-605 (Water
Proof Box, option)
For installation of the display unit on the wings of the bridge, use the optional water proof box DS-
605. Fix the DS-605 on the bulkhead and set the display unit therein.
Mounting considerations
The DS-605 has waterproofing protection of IP56. When you select a mounting location for the
waterproof box, keep in mind the following points.
• Keep the unit away from electromagnetic field-generating equipment like motors and genera-
• For maintenance and checking purposes, leave enough space at the sides of the unit and
leave slack in cables. See the outline drawing at the back of this manual.
• A magnetic compass will be affected if the waterproof box is too close to the magnetic com-
pass. Observe the compass safe distances (see page i) to prevent interference to a magnetic
Mounting procedure
Note: Mount the DS-605 on the bulkhead so the cable glands and the drain hole are down.
1. Fix the DS-605 on the wings of the bridge.
1) Insert the seal washer to four fixing holes.
2) Fix the DS-605 with four M10 bolts (dockyard supply).
Installation materials for DS-605 (Type: CP66-01731, Code No.: 001-082-660-00)
Code No. Qty Remarks
Seal Washer 03-001-3002-0 RoHS 300-130-020-10 4
Gasket (2) 26-003-1605 100-355-310-10 1 For DS-60
Washer (2) 26-003-1607 100-355-320-10 2
Cable Gland Washer JIS F8801 25C 000-172-238-10 2 For RD-50
Cable Grand Inner gasket JIS F8801 25C 000-171-892-10 1
Silicon Rubber S-8400W 50G 000-158-483-10 1
340 (13.39”)
310 ± 0.5 (12.20”)
62 (2.44”)
176 ± 0.5
Fixing hole
Cable gland
Note: Mount the unit so the cable
glands are down.