
Chapter 3 System Configuration 29
Use the setdscp command with no options (interactive mode).
You are prompted to enter all the DSCP IP addresses sequentially. A
command output example of this interactive mode is:
i. For each prompt, press the Enter key to accept the displayed value, or
type a new value followed by the Enter key.
ii. To save your changes, enter Y. To cancel the changes, enter N.
3. Verify the operation with the showdscp command.
To Display DSCP Network Configuration
1. Log in to the XSCF console with platadm, platop,orfieldeng privileges, or
domainadm, domainop,ordomainmgr privileges for a specific domain.
XSCF> setdscp
DSCP network [] >
DSCP netmask [] >
XSCF address [] > [Enter]
Domain #00 address [] > [Enter]
Domain #01 address [] > [Enter]
Domain #02 address [] > [Enter]
Domain #03 address [] > [Enter]
Domain #04 address [] > [Enter]
Domain #05 address [] > [Enter]
Domain #06 address [] > [Enter]
Domain #07 address [] > [Enter]
Domain #08 address [] > [Enter]
Commit these changes to the database (y|n)?