Chapter 3 System Configuration 29
■ Use the setdscp command with no options (interactive mode).
You are prompted to enter all the DSCP IP addresses sequentially. A
command output example of this interactive mode is:
i. For each prompt, press the Enter key to accept the displayed value, or
type a new value followed by the Enter key.
ii. To save your changes, enter Y. To cancel the changes, enter N.
3. Verify the operation with the showdscp command.
▼ To Display DSCP Network Configuration
1. Log in to the XSCF console with platadm, platop,orfieldeng privileges, or
domainadm, domainop,ordomainmgr privileges for a specific domain.
XSCF> setdscp
DSCP network [] >
DSCP netmask [] >
XSCF address [] > [Enter]
Domain #00 address [] > [Enter]
Domain #01 address [] > [Enter]
Domain #02 address [] > [Enter]
Domain #03 address [] > [Enter]
Domain #04 address [] > [Enter]
Domain #05 address [] > [Enter]
Domain #06 address [] > [Enter]
Domain #07 address [] > [Enter]
Domain #08 address [] > [Enter]
Commit these changes to the database (y|n)?