Chapter 7 Capacity on Demand 89
▼ To Display Usage Statistics for COD Resources
1. Log in to the XSCF console with platadm or platop privileges, or domainadm,
domainop,ordomainmgr privileges for a specific domain.
2. Type the showcodusage command.
The output displays a summary of license usage by resource type and for each
domain. For example:
To display usage statistics only for domains or resources, use the
showcodusage -p domain command or the showcodusage -p resource
command. All COD usage information can be displayed with the
showcodusage -p all command.
You can also use the showboards command to identify which board is a COD
board. The output from this command has a column titled “COD”. This column
contains an “n” for a non-COD board or a “y” for a COD board. For example:
XSCF> showcodusage
Resource In Use Installed Licensed Status
-------- ------ --------- -------- ------
PROC 0 4 0 OK: 0 available
Domain/Resource In Use Installed Reserved
--------------- ------ --------- --------
0 - PROC 0 4 0
1 - PROC 0 0 0
2 - PROC 0 0 0
3 - PROC 0 0 0
Unused - PROC 0 0 0
XSCF> showboards -v -a
XSB R DID(LSB) Assignment Pwr Conn Conf Test Fault COD
--- - -------- ---------- --- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---
00-0 SP Unavailable n n n Unknown Normal n
01-0 SP Unavailable n n n Fail Failed n
XSCF> showboards -v -a
XSB R DID(LSB) Assignment Pwr Conn Conf Test Fault COD
--- - -------- ---------- --- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---
00-0 * 00(00) Assigned n n n Unknown Normal y
01-0 * 00(04) Assigned n n n Unknown Normal y