
Item ID Output for each event Item name Description
org_id Yes Yes Yes Yes Tenant name ASCII: 1 to 32 characters
Name of the tenant
user_id Yes Yes Yes Yes User account ASCII: 1 to 32 characters
User that owns the L-
vsys_id Yes Yes Yes Yes L-Platform ID ASCII: 1 to 32 characters
ID identifying the L-Platform
server_id Yes Yes Yes Yes L-Server ID ASCII: 1 to 32 characters
ID identifying the L-Server
software_id Yes Yes Yes Yes Software ID ASCII: 1 to 32 characters
ID identifying the software
system_name Yes Yes No Yes L-Platform
UTF-8: 1 to 256 characters
Name of the L-Platform
Yes: Output; No: Not output
B.3 Formats of Metering Log Files
Metering logs are output to CSV format files or XML format files.
Use the options of the Output metering log command to specify the format in which metering logs are to be output. Refer to "10.2
ctchg_getmeterlog (Output Metering Logs)" in the "Reference Guide (Command/XML) CE" for information on the Output metering log
This section explains each of the file formats.
CSV format files
The format of CSV format files is as follows:
- The item ID is output with a one-byte hash (#) sign added to the first character of the first row.
- Items are output with commas used as delimiters between each item.
- String data is output enclosed by double quotation marks and numeric data is output as it is.
- If an item is not output using string data, "" is output.
- If an item is not output using numeric data, nothing is output. (A comma is output immediately after the previous item.)
- For a Reserved item, "" is output.
The order of the items that are output to a CSV format file is as follows:
No. Item ID Item name Data type
1 version Version Numeric
2 event_time Time of event String
3 Reserved
4 vsys_id L-Platform ID String
5 org_id Tenant name String
6 event Event String
7 resource_type Configured resource type String
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