Table 11.2 List of Regularly Updated Resources and Their Related Resources
Resources Subject to Regular Update Related Resources Data Source
Chassis Chassis Server management unit
Physical OS
VM host (*1)
VM guest (*1)
ServerView Agents (*2)
Server management unit
Server virtualization software
LAN switch blade
LAN switch blade
LAN switch blade
Server management unit (*3)
Network device
L2 switch
Server load balancer
L2 switch
Server load balancer
VM management software
VM management software
VM host (*1)
VM guest (*1)
VM management software
*1: When no VM management software is registered, the status of VM hosts and VM guests is updated during a regular update of their
physical server. When VM management software is registered, their status is updated during the regular update of the VM management
*2: Only for PRIMERGY servers and PRIMEQUEST.
*3: Only for LAN switch blades mounted in a PRIMERGY BX chassis.
The time required to update all resources depends on the number of registered resources. For 1 chassis that contains 10 servers and 4 LAN
switches, the update takes about 2 minutes. For 5 chassis that have identical configurations, the update should take about 10 minutes.
VM management software updates are independent from other resource updates, and takes approximately 3 minutes.
In the following cases, resource data is refreshed without waiting for the regular update.
- When a resource's state is changed as the result of an operation performed by Resource Orchestrator
- When a failure-triggered SNMP Trap is received from a resource
If a resource was operated externally to Resource Orchestrator, there may be a slight delay before its state is updated in the ROR console.
To force an update of a resource's data, right-click the resource and select [Update] from the displayed menu. The time required to update
resource data depends on the device. Generally, update should take no more than 40 seconds.
In order to restrain device and network load, resource data is not refreshed for 7 seconds following the last update time. However, when
a failure-triggered SNMP Trap is received, resource data is refreshed unconditionally. When manually updating a resource from the menu
right after performing an operation on that resource, if its data is not refreshed within 40 seconds, try updating it from the menu again.
11.2 Resource Status
Resources are monitored in the [Status] tab of the ROR console.
The [Status] tab shows the number of servers listed under the statuses "warning", "unknown", "error", or "fatal".
Servers whose status is "warning" or "unknown" are counted under "Warning", and servers whose status is "fatal" or "error" are counted
under "Error".
Clicking on "Error" or "Warning", displays the resources under the corresponding status in the [Resource List] tab.
The status of resources can also be monitored from both the resource tree and the [Resource List] tab. When an error occurs, a status icon
is added to the icon of the resource concerned.
Double-clicking on a resource icon displays the [Resource Details] tab, which provides detailed information about the corresponding
Icons Displayed in the ROR Console
The following table shows the resource icons used in BladeViewer and their associated meanings.
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