
No Name Omit Explanation
- pm: physical L-Server
- disk: extension disk capacity
- template: template
6 Resource identifier No Specify information to identify the accounting target resource with 128 or less
alphanumeric characters.
Resource identifiers vary by the category. (*2)
- cpu, cpu_clock, memory: VM pool name or sever pool name
- vm: virtual L-Server image name
- pm: physical L-Server image name
- disk: storage pool name
- template: template ID
7 Unit code No Specify accounting unit using following codes.
- year: yearly
- month: monthly
- hour: hourly
8 Unit price No Specify unit price.
Specify 11 or less digits for the integer portion and 4 or less digit for the fractional portion.
Specify the fractional currency unit (ex. cent) as 1 for U.S. dollar, euro, or Singapore dollar.
Specify the currency unit as 1 for Japanese yen. (*3)
Specify 23 if the setting value is $0.23.
Specify 23 if the setting value is ¥23.
9 Product name No Specify the name to distinguish the products using 128 or less characters.
10 Description Yes Specify the description of the product using 1024 or less characters.
A comma that follows the name must be entered even when the specification is omitted.
...,Unit price,"Product name",
*1: An example of description is shown below assuming following settings.
- Example of the setting for product ID "ME-0001"
Priority Unit
Start of applicable date End of applicable date
ME-0001 0 $2.00 2012-01-01T00:00:00.000+0900 None
ME-0001 1 $1.00 2012-08-01T00:00:00.000+0900 2012-08-31T23:59:59.999+0900
- The unit price for product ID "ME-0001" is $2.00 on 2011-07-01 because only data A is applied.
- The unit price for product ID "ME-0001" is $1.00 on 2011-08-15 because data B has higher priority even though both data A and
data B are in the applicable period.
- An example description of accounting information file
memory","Standard memory"
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