
Item Description
operation result "SUCCESS" if the operation was successful and "FAILURE" if the operation failed.
* Note: The operation types are as follows:
Operation type Description
AccessControl#evaluate Checking access permissions.
AccessControl#getAuthority Obtaining information about resource operation privileges for a user.
DeployMaster#delete Deleting configuration information.
DeployMaster#getDetail Obtaining detailed configuration information.
DeployMaster#getSaveList Obtaining a list of configuration information.
DeployMaster#getTemplate Obtaining a deployment master from an L-Platform template.
DeployMaster#save Saving configuration information.
DeployMaster#setStatus Setting the status of configuration information.
Event#notify Notifying events that occurred on a server. With the current version, changes to the
power status, migration, reconfiguring, pool information, events are notified.
EventLog#getList Obtaining a list of event logs.
Images#changeShow Changing whether images are displayed.
Images#getDetail Obtaining detailed image information.
Images#getList Obtaining a list of images registered.
Images#getServerType Obtaining a list of L-Server Templates.
Images#register Registering image information with this product.
Images#search Searching image information.
Images#unregister Deregistering image information from this product.
Images#update Updating image information.
Network#addCategory Registering a network resource type.
Network#deleteCategory Deleting a network resource type.
Network#getCategoryList Obtaining a list of network types.
Network#getList Obtaining a list of networks.
Network#getRulesetList Obtaining a list of rulesets.
Network#detailRuleset Obtaining detailed ruleset information.
Parameters#delete Deleting parameter information.
Parameters#getDetail Obtaining detailed parameter information.
Parameters#getList Obtaining a list of parameter information.
Parameters#set Registering or updating parameter information.
Softwares#create Registering software information.
Softwares#delete Deleting software information.
Softwares#getDetail Obtaining detailed software information.
Softwares#getList Obtaining a list of software.
Softwares#update Updating software information.
Templates#changeShow Changing the settings as to whether L-Platform templates can be displayed.
Templates#deletePublic Deleting L-Platform templates.
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