90 Hearing Aid Measurements WinCHAP User’s Manual
There are several things you can do to alter the graphical display:
• To turn off the display of a particular curve, click the box next to its list
ing in the graph legend, and remove its “x.” This will temporarily clear
the curve from the graph. To redisplay the graph, just select it again.
• To center the graph on a particular curve, right click on the curve’s listing
in the graph legend.
• To remove the identifying numbers from the curves on the graph, click
the box labeled “Show curve numbers” in the lower left corner of the
window, and deselect it.
• To change the curve colors, open the View menu and select Color Palette.
This will open a window that will let you change the color of each curve.
7.2.4 Viewing numerical data
Each graph has corresponding numerical data. In the Response Curves and Real-
Ear window, you get to this window by clicking the Test Curves tab. In an auto
mated test sequence window, you get to this data by clicking the
Data button.
A listing containing the amplitude and frequency of each graph (the x and y val
ues) is displayed in the data window. See Figure 7.2.4 for an example of the data
display in the Response Curve window.
Figure 7.2.4—Data display in the Response Curves window