DataWindow Designer User’s Guide vii
Working in a grid DataWindow object ................................... 166
Saving data in an external file...................................................... 168
Saving the data as PDF ........................................................ 168
Saving the data in HTML Table format.................................. 169
Working with PSR files.......................................................... 170
Modifying general DataWindow object properties........................ 171
Changing the DataWindow object style................................. 171
Setting colors in a DataWindow object.................................. 172
Specifying properties of a grid DataWindow object............... 173
Specifying pointers for a DataWindow object........................ 174
Defining print specifications for a DataWindow object .......... 174
Modifying text in a DataWindow object ................................. 178
Defining the tab order in a DataWindow object..................... 179
Naming controls in a DataWindow object.............................. 180
Using borders in a DataWindow object ................................. 181
Specifying variable-height bands in a DataWindow object.... 182
Modifying the data source of a DataWindow object .............. 183
Storing data in a DataWindow object using the Data view........... 185
What happens at runtime ...................................................... 187
Retrieving data............................................................................. 187
Prompting for retrieval criteria in a DataWindow object ........ 187
Retrieving rows as needed.................................................... 188
Saving retrieved rows to disk ................................................ 189
CHAPTER 6 Controlling Updates in DataWindow Objects........................... 191
About controlling updates............................................................. 191
What you can do ................................................................... 192
Specifying the table to update...................................................... 193
Specifying the unique key columns.............................................. 193
Specifying an identity column....................................................... 194
Specifying updatable columns ..................................................... 194
Specifying the WHERE clause for update/delete......................... 195
Specifying update when key is modified ...................................... 197
Using stored procedures to update the database ........................ 198
CHAPTER 7 Working with Controls in DataWindow Objects....................... 201
Adding controls to a DataWindow object ..................................... 201
Adding columns to a DataWindow object.............................. 201
Adding text to a DataWindow object ..................................... 202
Adding drawing controls to a DataWindow object................. 203
Adding a group box to a DataWindow object ........................ 203
Adding pictures to a DataWindow object............................... 204
Adding computed fields to a DataWindow object.................. 205