Associating data with a crosstab
338 DataWindow .NET
Associating data with a crosstab
You associate crosstab columns, rows, and cell values with columns in a
database table or other data source.
❖ To associate data with a crosstab:
1 If you are defining a new crosstab, the Define Crosstab Rows, Columns,
Values dialog box displays after you specify the data source.
2 Specify the database columns that will populate the columns, rows, and
values in the crosstab, as described below.
3 To build a dynamic crosstab, make sure the Rebuild Columns At Runtime
box is selected.
For information about static crosstabs, see “Creating static crosstabs” on
page 353.
4 Click Next.
Specifying the information
To define the crosstab, drag the column names from the Source Data box in the
Crosstab Definition dialog box (or Wizard page) into the Columns, Rows, or
Values box, as appropriate.
If you change your mind or want to edit the DataWindow object later, select
Design>Crosstab from the menu bar and drag the column name out of the
Columns, Row, or Values box and drop it. Then specify a different column.