How your DataWindow Designer environment is managed
32 DataWindow .NET
Use the Printer font tab to set fonts specifically for printing. If you need to print
multilanguage characters, make sure you use a font that is installed on your
printer. Changes you make in the Tools>System Options dialog box and from
the Design>Options menu selection are used the next time you open
DataWindow Designer.
How your DataWindow Designer environment is
Your DataWindow Designer configuration information is stored in both the
DataWindow Designer initialization file (DW.INI) file and the registry. When
you start DataWindow Designer, it looks in the registry and the DW.INI file to
set up your environment.
About the registry
Some DataWindow Designer features require the use of the DW.INI file, but
many features use the registry to get and store configuration information.
Normally, you should not need to access or modify items in the registry.
Information related to your preferences (such as the way you have arranged
your views in the painters and the shortcut keys you have defined for
DataWindow Designer menu items) is stored in
Installation-related information is stored in
Interactive SQL view in the
Database painter and the file
editor (changes made for one
of these apply to both)
Select Design>Options from the menu bar to
display the editor’s property page and change the
font properties on the Editor Font and Printer Font
tab pages.
For this object or painter Do this