CHAPTER 10 Highlighting Information in DataWindow Objects
DataWindow Designer User’s Guide 309
The following statement is for the Pen.Color property of the line around the
edge of the rectangle. If the month of the start date matches the current month
or the next one, Pen.Color is set to light gray (12632256). If not, it is set to
white (16777215), which means it will not show:
If(month( start_date ) = month(today())
or month( start_date ) = month(today())+1
or (month(today()) = 12 and month(start_date)=1),
12632256, 16777215)
The following statement is for the Pen.Style property of the rectangle. If the
month of the start date matches the current month or the next one, Pen.Style is
set to Solid (0). If not, it is set to NULL (5), which means it will not show:
If(month( start_date ) = month(today())
or month( start_date ) = month(today())+1
or (month(today()) = 12 and month(start_date)=1),
0, 5)
Expressions are also defined for Brush.Color and Brush.Hatch.
For more about these properties, see “Brush.Hatch” on page 300.
The following is a portion of the resulting DataWindow object. A rectangle
with light gray cross-hatching highlights employees whose reviews are due
soon. The line enclosing the rectangle is Light Gray and uses the pen style
Solid (0):