loaded because the printer’s test uses all 136 columns. Turn the printer
completely off (with the switch on the left side of the printer), press
down the LF button, and turn the printer back on again while still
holding down the LF button.
Figure 1-22. Sample automatic test
Figure 1-22 shows the FX’s automatic test, which prints the standard
characters that are stored in the printer. The test pattern continues
until you turn the printer off. If you let it run long enough, you’ll see
two sets (Roman and Italic) of upper- and lower-case letters, plus
many other characters.
If you plan to use your FX printer primarily for word processing or
with some other commercial software, you are now ready to follow
the printer set-up instructions in your software menu or manual.
Because most software packages include set-up routines for dot matrix
printers, this set up may be merely a matter of specifying which
printer you are using.
In case your software asks for specifications that you do not under-
stand, check the appendixes or consult your computer dealer.
Some programs allow you to insert codes to activate such FX fea-
tures as Emphasized and Compressed printing. Your software manual
will tell you how to use this feature, and the Quick Reference Card in
Volume 2 will give you the necessary ESCape and control codes.