Deleting line 20 ensures that the printer does not download the ROM
characters. That makes your defined characters the only ones
around-no funny stuff on the printer. Here is the data:
110 DATA 7,8,16,0,32,3,68,0,72,0,73
120 DATA 73,0,72,0,68,3,32,0,16,8,7
130 DATA 73,0,9,0,17,96,2,0,4,8,112
140 DATA 112,8,4,0,2,96,17,0,9,0,73
150 DATA 127,0,0,0,0,127,0,0,0,0,127
160 DATA 73,73,73,73,73,73,73,73,73,73,73
That’s right, there are only six characters, but it is a very powerful set
of characters. With them, you can print an entire alphabet and more.
To see the magnificent SIX, type:
180 LPRINT "1 2 3 4 5 6"
200 LPRINT CHR$(27)"@": END
Now try printing them in a different order. Type:
170 FOR Y=1 TO 5
190 NEXT Y
210 ' Tracks
220 DATA "62662620162016262050166"
230 DATA "05005050505050505050500"
240 DATA "05005630565050005630462"
250 DATA "05005050505050505050005"
260 DATA "05005046304636305046663"
Give it a RUN to get the pattern shown in Figure 16-S.
Figure 16-8. Tracks
Those little characters can do some amazing tricks. Try another;
begin by deleting lines
to 260, then change:
170 FOR Y=1 TO 8
210 ' Pattern