end of the cartridge into the corresponding slots in the printer frame
(Figure 1-11). The cartridge should snap neatly into place.
With the paper bail resting on the platen, you can tuck the ribbon
between the metal ribbon guide and the black print head.
As Figure 1-11 suggests, you can ease the ribbon into place with the
deft application of a dull pencil. To remove any slack in the ribbon,
turn the ribbon knob in the direction of the arrow.
Note: When you replace a ribbon, remember that the print head may
be hot from usage; be careful.
Paper Loading
How you load your paper depends on which model of FX you have
and which type of paper and feeder you are using. This section covers
each type of paper loading and then illustrates the top-of-form posi-
tion on both models.
Both the FX-80 and the FX-100 include tractors so that you can use
continuous-feed paper with pin-feed holes and friction mechanisms so
that you can use paper without these holes.
Continuous-feed paper usually comes fanfolded into a box and has
pin-feed holes arranged on half-inch tear-off strips at each side. This
allows the printer’s pin feeders to engage the paper and pull it evenly
through the printer. After printing you can remove the tear-off strips
and separate the pages.
The FX-80’s built-in tractor handles continuous-feed paper that is
9% inches wide, which is the standard 8½-inch width with the tear-
off strips removed. The FX printers’ removable tractor units (optional
on the FX-80, standard on the FX-100) handle continuous paper in
widths from 4 inches to the width of the platen - 10 inches on the
FX-80,16 inches on the FX-100. The friction feeder on each FX handles
all papers narrower than the width of the platen.
To refresh your memory about names of the parts, refer back to
Figure 1-2.
FX-80: built-in tractor feed
The FX-80’s built-in tractor will accommodate 9%- to 10-inch wide
continuous-feed paper with pin-feed holes. You should have few prob-
lems loading it if you follow these instructions carefully.