Find 8 in the table; it is in the CHR$(93) row under the Spain heading.
To print the character stored in
8, use CHR$(27)“R”CHR$(7)
to acti-
vate the Spanish character set, and print CHRS(93). Ole! This same
technique can be used to access any of the normally unprintable con-
trol codes.
Using an international character set while defining characters can be
a two-edged sword. If you are currently using one of the international
sets (other than USA), then defining any of the codes
35, 36, 64, 91
94, 96,
gets a bit tricky. These codes are merely pointers
to the control-code areas in which the international characters are
really stored.
To define any of these characters while using an international set,
the true location of the character must be used. For instance, if the
printer is in the Spanish set and you wish to define character
must use CHR$(8) in the CHR$(27)”&” sequence to define the charac-
ter, but CHR$(93) to print it.
To make sure you understand this thoroughly try answering this
one: how would you redefine the ESCape code? First find 27 on the
chart. It occurs in two places, one of which is in the column labelled
Sweden and the row labelled 124. So you could store a user-defined
character at 27 and print it in the Swedish set as character 124.
Mode Strings
For some applications, you may wish to use all 256 RAM locations
for your own special symbols. In that case, there is no need to
download the ROM into RAM. But you will need a quick and easy
way to switch back and forth between the two character sets. One
easy way to do this is to define two character strings:
80 RAM$=CHR$(27)+"%"+CHR$(1)+CHR$(0)
90 ROM$=CHR$(27)+"%"+CHR$(0)+CHR$(0)
Add these lines to the current program. To demonstrate their effect,
138 LPRINT CHR$(27)"&"CHR$(0)"18";
14p FOR Y=1 TO 8: LPRINT CHR$(139);
180 LPRINT ROM$"12345678"RAM$"12345678"
1120 DATA 0,63,64,8,64,8,64,28,64,32,0: 'My F
1130 DATA 0,32,64,0,64,63,64,0,64,32,0: 'My T