TEam maNagEmENT my FiFa 13
my FiFa 13
rEplay ThEaTrE
Both online and offline saved replays and highlights are stored here. Press the Y Button to
upload favorites to www.easportsfootball.com.
vidEO uplOad
Share your moments of glory—or shame—with the rest of the world by uploading your videos
to www.easportsfootball.com.
To capture footage of your skills, pause the game and select INSTANT REPLAY. To set a
keyframe, press up on the +Control Padand press left/right on the +Control Pad so to move it
to your desired position (to delete a keyframe, press down on the +Control Pad). Once you’re
happy, press the Y Button to upload your video and share it with the football community.
Ensure you capture all the action with keyframes. These are individual sections within
your video that you can treat differently to the rest of your footage. For instance, you can
use a different camera, viewing angle, and speed so that, when you get to a key moment,
you can zoom in on the action and capture your moment of glory in slow motion.
NOTE: To use the Video Upload feature you must have created an Origin Account (EA) and
Nintendo Network ID before setting up the match.
Feel like practicing in the United Kingdom as Rooney against the formidable Hart? Visit
Arena options to select which Player, Goalkeeper, and Stadium you would like to use when
practicing within the Arena.
In the training section, learn how to use the special GamePad features, such as
Touch Screen passing and shooting. Also, learn how to properly take free kicks and
penalties with the GamePad.
TEam maNagEmENT
Select CUSTOM TACTICS on the Team Management screen of any club to customize defensive
and attacking play. Check out their default tactics, and then press the A Button to view other
preset tactics (Counter Attack, High Pressure, Possession, and Long Ball) as well as your own
customized tactics (see below). To choose one of these as your default tactic, select it and
press the B Button.
To create a new tactic, select one as a template and use the sliders to tweak its individual
components. Then press the X Button to choose a slot to save your new tactic to and press the
A Button to confirm.
quiCk TaCTiCS
To use your tactics on-the-fly in games you must assign them to the +Control Pad. To do this,
select QUICK TACTICS on the Team Management screen, choose a direction on the +Control
Pad, and press the A Button. Then select your new tactic and press the A Button again to
assign it to your chosen direction.
Get out the tactics board and start fine-tuning team formations and player roles by selecting
FORMATIONS in the Team Management screen of any team.
First, choose a formation and press the X Button to edit it. Then, select a player from the
selected formation and press the A Button. Finally, decide which aspect of his game you want
to alter (Base Position, Work Rate, or Positioning) and follow the on-screen instructions.
NOTE: Press the +Control Pad to change your team’s mentality on-the-fly. Press left on the
+Control Pad to make your players more defensive or right on the +Control Pad to encourage
them to attack.