Marauder Marauders buff Husks and Cannibals by giving them armored plating. Take out
the Marauder first.
Nemesis The Nemesis is a nimble opponent armed with a powerful sniper rifle. Take
cover when you spot red laser sights honing in on your position.
Phantom Destroy a Phantom’s sword to remove its melee abilities. Phantoms are agile
combatants, so keep pressure on them.
Ravager When a Ravager’s sac breaks, Swarmers are released. Swarmers are weak,
but a group of them can kill or keep shields from regenerating.
Powers Tips
Power tips from Mass Effect 3’s gameplay team.
Armor Piercing
Use hard-hitting weapons against armored opponents. Incendiary and armor-piercing ammo
also help.
Barriers & Shields
Shields and barriers protect against health damage. Shields appear as blue, and barriers are purple.
Shepard’s current health bar will regenerate, but already-depleted segments can only be restored by
using First Aid from the Power Menu.
Passive Powers
The last two power upgrades in a tree are passive skills that improve combat, weight capacity, and
Paragon and Renegade bonuses.
Power Combos
Power combos require a source power and a detonator power. Source powers generally leave a
lasting effect on an enemy (Pull, Cryo Blast, Reave, etc.). Detonator powers generally deal high
damage or force (Carnage, Incinerate, Warp, etc.). Most powers can be a source, a detonator, or
both, so explore the many combinations.
Power combos come in four types:
Biotic Combos Trigger these by combining more than one biotic effect, such as lifting an enemy
with Pull before striking them with Warp. Biotic combos result in an explosion
that blasts not just the target, but also the area around the target.
Electric Combos Trigger these by combining an electrical effect with a detonator, such as
electrocuting an enemy with Overload before striking them with Concussive
Shot. Electric combos result in bonus damage to shields and a chance to stun
undefended enemies.
Flame Combos Trigger these by combining a flame effect with a lethal detonator, such as
igniting an enemy with Incinerate before finishing them off with Carnage. Flame
combos result in bonus damage to armor and a chance to light undefended
enemies on fire.
Cryo Combos Trigger these by combining a freeze effect with a lethal detonator, such as
freezing an enemy with Cryo Ammo before finishing them off with Biotic Charge.
Cryo combos freeze undefended enemies and will chill the rest.