The Main Menu
The main menu contains the following items the first time you play.
X New Game
X Multiplayer
X Downloadable Content
X Exit Game
X Extras
After you’ve started a game, this menu will also include the Resume and Load Game options.
Resume loads your most recently saved game.
New Game
Choose from four options when starting a new game:
Male Start fresh with a new male character.
Female Start fresh with a new female character.
Import ME2 Character Import Commander Shepard from Mass Effect
2, maintaining your old
character’s level as well as the decisions you made that impact
Mass Effect
3’s story.
Import ME3 Character Unlocks after completing Mass Effect
3. This allows you to start a new
game while keeping your Commander Shepard’s class, level, weapons,
and modifications intact.
Load Game
After starting a Mass Effect
career, select LOAD GAME to continue your game, replay from an
earlier save point, or switch to another active career. Careers are created each time you start a new
game or import an old one. Within each career you will find:
Restart Mission Restart your current mission.
Autosave Resume your game from the latest checkpoint. Autosave is updated as
you progress through the game and cross checkpoints.
Saves/Quick Saves Numbered saves are created when you manually save the game.
You can also resume your game by selecting RESUME on the game’s opening screen. This will load
your most recently saved game.
Select MULTIPLAYER to fight coop missions with up to three friends.
Please see the multiplayer section of this manual for additional instructions.