Electrolux Professional S.p.A.
Ovens Platform Customer Support
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AOS_Q OVENS – Service manual
(593804600 - ENG)
File: AOS ONE service manual (ENG).01.doc ©Copyright 2007 by Electrolux Professional P.7/31
4 Lambda probe calibration (only for lev. A ovens)
With this procedure we have to find the 0% point of humidity.
The procedure is done in a way similar to the by-pass calibration. During the procedure, the word “CAL”
appears on the time display. These are the steps:
1) Set an hot air cycle, 160 °C, time over 15 minutes, open flap;
2) Start the cycle pressing together the left and middle service buttons (A&B)and the START button.
The oven will give a long beep;
3) Wait around 10-15 minutes to dry completely the cavity;
4) Close the flap and wait around 20 seconds to stabilize the humidity inside the cavity;
5) To store the value press together the 3 service buttons (A&B&C). The oven will confirm with a long
beep. The value is stored in the parameter OLbd. A correct value is in the range of -5 to -75.
6) Stop the cycle with the START button.
This calibration is very important and has to be done with care. If the dry point (0% of humidity) is not
correctly stored, the reading of the relative humidity could be overestimated or underestimated.
IMPORTANT: If the value of OLbd is out of the correct range [-5 ; -75] the reasons are:
Fig. 14
Fig. 15