Electrolux Professional S.p.A.
Ovens Platform Customer Support
Technical Training & Service
AOS_Q OVENS – Service manual
(593804600 - ENG)
File: AOS ONE service manual (ENG).01.doc ©Copyright 2007 by Electrolux Professional P.26/31
Nome Descrizione
hAbo PWM value at middle power of boiler burners
HabP Steam condenser engagement in "hot air" mode
hAcA PWM value at middle power of cavity burners
hAir Hot air hour counter
hboL Boiler hour counter
HbYP Max humidity value to stop the boiler
hcMb Combi hour counter
Hdut Flag to enable heater duty cycle (0=disable; 1=enable)
hHEA Delay on burner flame ignition after the start of the cavity motor
hStM Steam hour counter
Huon ON phase of the humidifier with combi cycle beetween 50 and 100 degrees
LAMb Presence of lambda probe (1=yes)
LanG Language for the menu
Man Flag to enable manual cookings (0=disable; 1=enable)
nMod Define if the modification of store program is disable
OCA1 OFFSET of first cavity probe
0lbd Calibration of the lambda probe (0% of humidity)
PASS Flag to enable password (0=disable, 1=enable)
Flag to enable special programs, i.e. preheating programs and Low temperature
(0=disable; 1=enable)
PFAC Flag to enable factory preset recipes (0=disable; 1=enable)
PPM Flag to enable Peak Power Management (0=disable; 1=enable)
PrEH Flag to enable cavity preheating during cooking (0=disable; 1=enable)
Sbc Cooling temperature set for board ventilation
SbYP Bypass temperature with max. cooking cavity steam temperature (calibration)
SEAL Altitude above sea level
SinC Boiler temperature that detect presence of scale
SPHb Preheating temperature of the boiler
SPHF Boiler temperature during leavening
Stbo PWM value at start of boiler burners
StbP Steam condenser engagement in "boiler" mode
StcA PWM value at start of cavity burners
StoF Minimum time for "switch off" of boiler
Ston Minimum time for "switch on" of boiler
tbon Timeout for E SL alarm, water level probe alarm
tcdb Max water temperature for boiler drain
tCMS Limit of cavity temperature set for working at high temperature
thMA Define the max. temperature limit for the manual injection of water
tPrn Print frequency (0=no print)
trMA Define the max. temperature for water injection during cooling phase
trMn Define the min. temperature for water injection during cooling phase