Electrolux Professional S.p.A.
Ovens Platform Customer Support
Technical Training & Service
AOS_Q OVENS – Service manual
(593804600 - ENG)
File: AOS ONE service manual (ENG).01.doc ©Copyright 2007 by Electrolux Professional P.23/31
Connector Description
X1 Main board supply (24 Vac)
Power supply to cavity fan motors, cooling fans, cavity flap motor, switching feeder for the
lambda probe
Power supply to coils of cavity/boiler heating element contactors or cavity/boiler burner
gas valves, steam condensing valve, humidifier valve, cavity lamps
X6/7 Power supply to boiler water filling valves, boiler drain valve
X8 Power supply to cleaning system
X9 Output of PWM signal and 12 Vdc for burner fans
High voltage digital input, i.e. thermal protection of the cavity fan motors and command
signal of the burner fans from the ignition devices
Low voltage digital input, i.e. cleaning system water pressure switch, cavity limiter, boiler
limiter, door micro switch and micro switch of the cavity flap
X14 Connection of bypass probe
X15 Connection of cavity probe
X16 Connection of boiler probe
X17 Connection of single point meat probe
X18 Connection of second cavity probe
X19 Connection of second boiler probe
X20, X21, X22 Connections of multi point probe
X23 Connection of lambda probe
X25/26 Connections of water level probes
X28 RS485 connection