Electrolux Professional S.p.A.
Ovens Platform Customer Support
Technical Training & Service
AOS_Q OVENS – Service manual
(593804600 - ENG)
File: AOS ONE service manual (ENG).01.doc ©Copyright 2007 by Electrolux Professional P.25/31
Nome Descrizione
6Prb Presence of 6-point meat probe (1=yes for lev. A, 0 for lev. B)
AbLP Flag to enable only the half power mode in the gas version (0=disable; 1= enable)
AbSP Flag to enable starting of cooking closing the door (0=disable; 1=enable)
AbtF Flag to enable the by-pass probe (0=disabled ; 1=enabled)
Addr RS485 address
Flag to enable detergent/rinser level probes (0=disable; 1=enable) when the relevant
sensors are installed
ALFn Activation of cavity motor thermal protection
APPL Level of the oven
APPM Type of oven
bAud RS485 bit rate
bot Max. steam generator overheating (ETUB alarm)
chr1 First character of the password
chr2 Second character of the password
chr3 Third character of the password
chr4 Fourth character of the password
chr5 Fifth character of the password
chr6 Sixth character of the password
chr7 Seventh character of the password
chr8 Eighth character of the password
CLt1 Length of detergent injection (phase A)
CLt2 Length of detergent+water injection (phase A)
CLt3 Length of rinser+water injection (phase C)
CLt4 Length of water injection (phase C)
cort Flag to enable cavity temperature displaying adjustment
cot Max. cooking chamber overheating (ETUC alarm)
dbon Delay for boiler drain
dCLn Flag to disable automatic cleaning cycles (1=disable)
dCLo Flag to enable automatic cleaning cycles from “utility” button (0=enable; 1=disable)
dEMO Flag to enable DEMO (0=disable; 1=enable)
Flag to disable the oven stops when door is open in convection, steam and combi
mode: (0=the oven stops)
Flag to disable pre-heating of the boiler when the oven is in stand-by mode (0=enable
pre-heating; 1=disable)
dtSb Delay for activation of fast filling during opening of boiler drain valve
dutM Maximum length of a phase with cavity temperature over 250 ºC
E2PP Flag to enable storing/erasing of recipes on EEPROM (0=enable; 1=disable)
EcLn Temperature for starting time computation of phase 1 during semi-automatic cleaning
EnFL Presence of motorised cavity flap (1=yes)
Ertc Flag to enable the RTC real time clock (0=disable; 1= enable)
FAHr Temperature unit (°F = 1, °C = 0)
Start speed of the motor (only for USA gas 2/1 models) 0=start at the selected speed;
1=start at full speed; 2= start at half speed
FCLn Minimum time to force a cleaning cycle (0=no cleaning cycle)
Fubo PWM value at full power of boiler burners
FucA PWM value at full power of cavity burners
GAS Define if the oven is GAS heated (1) or ELECTRIC heated (0)