Upgrade system image for all stack-units [yes/no]: yes
Image upgraded to all
Dell# configure
Dell(conf)# boot system stack-unit all primary system: A:
Dell(conf)# end
Dell# write memory
Jan 3 14:01:48: %STKUNIT0-M:CP %FILEMGR-5-FILESAVED: Copied running-config to
in flash by default
Synchronizing data to peer Stack-unit
Dell# reload
Proceed with reload [confirm yes/no]: yes
Upgrading a Single Stack Unit
Upgrading a single stacked switch is necessary when the unit was disabled due to an incorrect Dell
Networking OS version.
This procedure upgrades the image in the boot partition of the member unit from the corresponding
partition in the master unit.
1. Download the Dell Networking OS image from the master's boot partition to the member unit, and
upgrade the relevant boot partition in the single stack-member unit.
EXEC Privilege mode
upgrade system stack-unit unit-number partition
2. Reboot the stack unit from the master switch to load the Dell Networking OS image from the same
boot system stack-unit unit-number primary system partition
3. Save the configuration.
EXEC Privilege mode
write memory
4. Reset the stack unit to activate the new Dell Networking OS version.
EXEC Privilege mode
power-cycle stack-unit unit-number
Example of Upgrading a Single Stack Unit
The following example shows how to upgrade an individual stack unit.
Dell# upgrade system stack-unit 2 A:
Image upgraded to Stack unit 2