Upgrading a Switch Stack
To upgrade all switches in a stack with the same Dell Networking OS version, follow these steps.
1. Copy the new Dell Networking OS image to a network server.
2. Download the Dell Networking OS image by accessing an interactive CLI that requests the server IP
address and image filename, and prompts you to upgrade all member stack units.
EXEC Privilege mode
'upgrade system { flash: | ftp: | scp: | tftp: | usbflash: } partition
Specify the system partition on the master switch into which you want to copy the Dell Networking
OS image. The system then prompts you to upgrade all member units with the new Dell Networking
OS version.
The valid values are a: and b:.
3. Reboot all stack units to load the Dell Networking OS image from the same partition on all switches
in the stack.
boot system stack-unit all primary system partition
4. Save the configuration.
write memory
5. Reload the stack unit to activate the new Dell Networking OS version.
Example of Upgrading all Stacked Switches
The following example shows how to upgrade all switches in a stack, including the master switch.
Dell# upgrade system ftp: A:
Address or name of remote host []:
Source file name []: $V-9-1-0/NAVASOTA-DEV-9-1-0-887/Dell-XL-9-1-0-887.bin
User name to login remote host: ftp
Password to login remote host:
Erasing IOM Primary Image, please wait
31972272 bytes successfully copied
System image upgrade completed successfully.