Verifying the DCB Configuration
To display DCB configurations, use the following show commands.
Table 10. Displaying DCB Configurations
Command Output
show dot1p-queue mapping
Displays the current 802.1p priority-queue
show dcb [stack-unit unit-number]
Displays the data center bridging status, number of
PFC-enabled ports, and number of PFC-enabled
queues. On the master switch in a stack, you can
specify a stack-unit number. The range is from 0 to
show qos priority-groups
Displays the ETS priority groups configured on the
switch, including the 802.1p priority classes and ID
of each group.
show interface port-type slot/port pfc
{summary | detail}
Displays the PFC configuration applied to ingress
traffic on an interface, including priorities and link
To clear PFC TLV counters, use the clear pfc
counters interface port-type slot/port
show interface
port-type slot/port pfc
Displays counters for the PFC frames received and
transmitted (by dot1p priority class) on an interface.
show interface port-type slot/port ets
{summary | detail}
Displays the ETS configuration applied to egress
traffic on an interface, including priority groups
with priorities and bandwidth allocation.
To clear ETS TLV counters, enter the clear ets
counters interface port-type slot/port
Data Center Bridging (DCB)