Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Software Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A XECfgParm.dat File Parameters
Understanding the XECfgParm.dat File Format
*.logPrio Defines the initial default logging level used by logging
clients when sending messages to the logging server. Use the
set-log MML command to change logging levels after
installation. You can specify different logging levels for each
process. For example, engine.logPrio = Info
Note This setting is the only way to modify the logging
level of the current MML process. The set-log
command does not affect current MML process
logging levels.
This parameter provides debug level LogPrio support in
XECfgParm.dat for individual channel controllers. You can
use the following to turn on IOCC logging:
• H248.logPrio = Debug
• SS7.logPrio = Debug
• EISUP.logPrio = Debug
• MGCP.logPrio = Debug
• ISDNIP.logPrio = Debug
• ISDNL3.logPrio = Debug
• SIP.logPrio = Debug
• TALI.logPrio = Debug
• TCAP.logPrio = Debug
Caution Be sure to use the actual process name, not the
MML name, of the channel controller. Note that
the IOCC name is case-sensitive.
• Debug—Used only for detailed debugging messages.
Logging at this priority is not recommended during
production because this causes a large volume of
messages to be logged, which degrades system
performance and can cause failover problems.
• Trace—These messages capture protocol traffic. This
priority is used for debugging.
• Info—These messages indicate an operation that is
proceeding as expected.
• Warning—These messages indicate a problem exists
that does not prevent the system from operating. This is
the normal, default logging level for production.
• Error—These messages indicate an unexpected error
that is recoverable but degrades performance.
Table A-1 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch 9.x XECfgParm.dat File Configuration Parameters
Configuration Parameter Definition