
Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Software Installation and Configuration Guide
Chapter 4 Configuring the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Software
Configuring SNMP Support Resources
Adding an SNMP Community Entry
Continuing from Step 6, above (of the section Running the config-snmp Utility):
Step 1 Enter 12 to select snmpCommunityEntry and view the entries:
Text similar to the following and the SNMPD Configuration Main Menu are displayed.
#Entry type: snmpCommunityEntry
#Format: snmpCommunityIndex (text)
# snmpCommunityName (text)
# snmpCommunitySecurityName (text)
# snmpCommunityContextEngineID (octetString)
# snmpCommunityContextName (text)
# snmpCommunityTransportTag (text)
# snmpCommunityStorageType (nonVolatile, permanent, readOnly)
snmpCommunityEntry IT555 T555 ReadWriteAll localSnmpID - - nonVolatile
snmpCommunityEntry Ijammmy jammmy ReadAndNotifyToAll localSnmpID - - nonVolatile
snmpCommunityEntry admin za8RQzBg PGWInternalSignal localSnmpID - localAccess
=================== SNMPD Configuration Main Menu ===================
1. View Configuration Entries
2. Add an SNMP Community
3. Delete an SNMP Community
4. Add a Trap Destination
5. Delete a Trap Destination
6. Activate the New Settings
Enter a selection (1 through 6) or 'q' to quit:
Step 2 You are prompted to make a selection. Enter 2 to add an SNMP Community.
The Add CommunityString Menu is displayed and you are asked if you would like to proceed with
adding a community string:
=================== Add CommunityString Menu ===================
SnmpCommunityName CommunitySecurityName
cisco cisco
public ReadAndNotifyToAll
-- Where:
CommunitySecurityName SecurityModel Read Write Notification
ReadOnly snmpv1 ApplicationsView - ApplicationsView
ReadOnly snmpv2c ApplicationsView - ApplicationsView
ReadOnly usm ApplicationsView - ApplicationsView
NotifyOnly snmpv1 - - ApplicationsView
NotifyOnly snmpv2c - - ApplicationsView
NotifyOnly usm - - ApplicationsView
ReadWriteAll snmpv1 ApplicationsView ApplicationsView -
ReadWriteAll snmpv2c ApplicationsView ApplicationsView -
ReadWriteAll usm ApplicationsView ApplicationsView -
ReadWriteNotify snmpv1 ApplicationsView ApplicationsView ApplicationsView
ReadWriteNotify snmpv2c ApplicationsView ApplicationsView ApplicationsView
ReadWriteNotify usm ApplicationsView ApplicationsView ApplicationsView
ReadAndNotifyToAll snmpv1 ApplicationsView - ApplicationsView
ReadAndNotifyToAll snmpv2c ApplicationsView - ApplicationsView