D M S -100 CompuCALL Interface Specification (Q218) 47
TotalBytesPC - total bytes per call (byte/call),
ByteToBit - bits in one byte (= 8),
Occu - planed CompuCALL message occupancy of
X.25 link (e.g. 60%).
Formula 2:
BandWidth (bit/sec) = CallsPS * TotalBytesPC * ByteToBit * Occu
Where: CallsPS - average calls per second (call/sec).
Table 18: DM S -100 Switch Capacity
Maximum active CompuCALL sessions
per switch
Maximum SVCs per CompuCALL
Maximum ACD Groups associated to
one CompuCALL session
Maximum non-ACD DNs associated to
one CompuCALL session
CompuCALL link bandwidth (kbits/sec)
Maximum active SVCs per DMS-100
Maximum customer number per DMS-
100 switch
Note: Nortel recommends only one SVC per CompuCALL link.
Table 19: DM S -100 Switch Statistics Provided by Nortel
Statistically estimated maximum calls per
second on one active CompuCALL link
Statistically estimated ma x i m u m
messages per second on one active
CompuCALL link (Messages/Sec/Link).
Statistically estimated average bytes per
CompuCALL messages (Bytes/Message).