42 Unified ICM Configuration
2.12.8. A g e n t
The Agent Object is made up of the following fields: a SkillTargetID, a
Peripheral Number, an Extension Number, a State, a list of active Skill
Group assignments, and a First and Last Name. From the Unified I C M
perspective, the Agent Object is uniquely identified by the SkillTargetID.
The SkillTargetID allows for the Router to target a specific call to an
Agent (Not Currently Implemented). The following table defines the
Agent object components used when configuring an Agent in the software.
Table 16: Unified ICM to DMS-100 Agent Mapping
Unified ICM SkillTargetID defined
b y Cisc o
DMS-100 Identifier for the position
the agent logged onto. The Position
Identifier is assigned to the ACD set
where an Agent login occurs.
The Agent Position Identifier to Agent mapping is dynamic and occurs
when an Agent logs onto an ACD set on the DMS-100.
The DMS-100 Agents will be configured dynamically by the DMS-100
PIM based on the Call and Agent events received from the DMS-100 CTI
events. For those Agents configured in the database, the PIM will report to
OPC the state transitions with the Agent’s configured PeripheralNumber.
The DMS-100 PIM does not restrict Agents from being configured in the
database. The Skill Group association for Agents is dynamically assigned
from the DMS-100 CTI Link events. The DMS-100 supports a single Skill
Group assignment per Agent. DMS-100 System Administrators have the
ability to re-assign an Agent position to another Skill Group while an
Agent session is active on an ACD position. The software will be capable
of migrating the Agent’s Skill Group assignment when this occurs. This
will be accomplished by logging the Agent out of the OLD Skill Group
assignment and then logging the Agent back in under the new Skill Group
2.12.9. DMS-100 Agent State to Cisco Agent State Mapping
The following table defines the CompuCALL Agent State Event mapping
to the Cisco Agent States. The PIM will transition an Agent’s state based
on these ACD Position events.