Cisco ONS 15310-CL and Cisco ONS 15310-MA Troubleshooting Guide, R7.0
Chapter 2 Alarm Troubleshooting
2.7.20 AS-MT-OOG
DWDM Logical Objects: PPM, SHELF
The Alarms Suppressed for Maintenance Command condition applies to OC-3, OC-12, and electrical
ports and occurs when a port is placed in the Out-of-Service and Management, Maintenance
(OOS-MA,MT) service state for loopback testing operations.
Clear the AS-MT Condition
Step 1 Complete the “Clear an OC-N Port Facility or Terminal Loopback Circuit” procedure on page 2-156.
Step 2 If the condition does not clear, log into the Technical Support Website at
http://www.cisco.com/techsupport for more information or call Cisco TAC (1-800-553-2447).
2.7.20 AS-MT-OOG
Default Severity: Not Alarmed (NA), Non-Service-Affecting (NSA)
SONET Logical Objects: STSTRM, VT-TERM
The Alarms Suppressed on an Out-Of-Group VCAT Member alarm is raised on an STS or VT member
of a virtual concatenated (VCAT) group whenever the member is in the IDLE (AS-MT-OOG)
administrative state. This alarm can be raised when a member is initially added to a group. In IDLE
(AS-MT-OOG) state, all other alarms for the STS or VT are suppressed.
The AS-MT-OOG alarm clears when an STS or VT member transitions to a different state from IDLE
(AS-MT-OOG) or when it is removed completely from the VCAT group. It does not require
troubleshooting unless it does not clear.
If the alarm does not clear, log into the Technical Support Website at http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
for more information or call Cisco TAC (1-800-553-2447).
Default Severity: Not Alarmed (NA), Non-Service-Affecting (NSA)
SONET Logical Object: NE
The Audit Trail Log Loss condition occurs when the log is 100 percent full and the oldest entries are
being replaced with new entries. The log capacity is 640 entries. The log must be off-loaded using the
following procedure to make room for more entries.
Clear the AUD-LOG-LOSS Condition
Step 1 In node view, click the Maintenance > Audit tabs.
Step 2 Click Retrieve.
Step 3 Click Archive.
Step 4 In the Archive Audit Trail dialog box, navigate to the directory (local or network) where you want to
save the file.
Step 5 Enter a name in the File Name field.