Cisco ONS 15310-CL and Cisco ONS 15310-MA Troubleshooting Guide, R7.0
Chapter 1 General Troubleshooting
1.12.3 Lamp Tests for Card LEDs
1.12.3 Lamp Tests for Card LEDs
Symptom Optical (OC-N) ports LEDs do not light, or you are unsure whether the LEDs are working
The LED lamp test determines whether card-level LEDs are operational. For optical ports, this test also
causes port-level LEDs to turn on. For Ethernet cards, only card-level LEDs light. For these cards,
port-level LEDs can be compared to the given guidelines to determine whether they are working
Optical port LEDs light during the lamp test. Ethernet cards only illuminate card-level LEDs during the
test. Table 1-36 describes the possible problem and the solution for optical ports.
Verify Card LED Operation
Step 1 In CTC, click the Maintenance > Diagnostic tabs.
Step 2 Click Lamp Test.
Step 3 Watch to make sure all the port LEDs illuminate as previously noted for several seconds.
Step 4 Click OK on the Lamp Test Run dialog box.
With the exceptions previously described, if an OC-N or DS-N LED does not light up, the LED is faulty.
Return the defective card to Cisco through the RMA process. Contact Cisco TAC at
http://www.cisco.com/tac or 1-800-553-2447.
Table 1-36 Lamp Test for Optical and Electrical Card LEDs
Possible Problem Solution
Faulty optical port LED A lamp test verifies that all the port LEDs work. Run this diagnostic test as
part of the initial system turn-up, a periodic maintenance routine, or any time
you question whether an LED is in working order.
Complete the “Verify Card LED Operation” procedure on page 1-75.