Cisco ONS 15310-CL and Cisco ONS 15310-MA Troubleshooting Guide, R7.0
2.7.54 ELWBATVG 2-46
Clear the ELWBATVG Alarm 2-47
2.7.55 ENCAP-MISMATCH-P 2-47
Clear the ENCAP-MISMATCH-P Alarm 2-48
2.7.56 EOC 2-48
Clear the EOC Alarm 2-49
2.7.57 EOC-L 2-50
Clear the EOC-L Alarm 2-51
2.7.58 EQPT 2-51
Clear the EQPT Alarm 2-51
2.7.59 EQPT-MISS 2-52
2.7.60 ERFI-P-CONN 2-52
Clear the ERFI-P-CONN Condition 2-52
2.7.61 ERFI-P-PAYLD 2-53
Clear the ERFI-P-PAYLD Condition 2-53
2.7.62 ERFI-P-SRVR 2-53
Clear the ERFI-P-SRVR Condition 2-53
2.7.63 ERROR-CONFIG 2-53
Clear the ERROR-CONFIG Alarm 2-54
2.7.64 ETH-LINKLOSS 2-55
Clear the ETH-LINKLOSS Condition 2-55
2.7.65 E-W-MISMATCH 2-55
2.7.66 EXCCOL 2-55
Clear the EXCCOL Alarm 2-55
2.7.67 EXT 2-56
Clear the EXT Alarm 2-56
2.7.69 FAILTOSW 2-56
Clear the FAILTOSW Condition 2-56
2.7.70 FAILTOSW-PATH 2-57
Clear the FAILTOSW-PATH Condition in a Path Protection Configuration 2-57
2.7.71 FAN 2-57
2.7.72 FAN-DEGRADE 2-57
2.7.73 FE-AIS 2-58
Clear the FE-AIS Condition 2-58
2.7.74 FE-DS1-MULTLOS 2-58
Clear the FE-DS1-MULTLOS Condition 2-58
2.7.75 FE-DS1-NSA 2-59
Clear the FE-DS1-NSA Condition 2-59
2.7.76 FE-DS1-SA 2-59