Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 14 Configuring Auto Smartports Macros
Configuring Auto Smartports
conf t
interface $INTERFACE
no macro description $TRIGGER
no switchport access vlan 1
if [[ $AUTH_ENABLED -eq NO ]]; then
no switchport mode access
no switchport port-security
no switchport port-security maximum 1
no switchport port-security violation restrict
no switchport port-security aging time 2
no switchport port-security aging type inactivity
no spanning-tree portfast
no spanning-tree bpduguard enable
Switch(config)# end
Ta ble 14-2 Supported Cisco IOS Shell Keywords
Command Description
{ Begin the command grouping.
} End the command grouping.
[[ Use as a conditional construct.
]] Use as a conditional construct.
else Use as a conditional construct.
-eq Use as a conditional construct.
fi Use as a conditional construct.
if Use as a conditional construct.
then Use as a conditional construct.
-z Use as a conditional construct.
$ Variables that begin with the $ charac
ter are
replaced with a parameter value.
# Use the # character to enter comment text.
Ta ble 14-3 Unsupported Cisco IOS Shell Reserved Keywords
Command Description
| Pipeline.
case Conditional construct.
esac Conditional construct.
for Looping construct.
function Shell function.
in Conditional construct.
select Conditional construct.
time Pipeline.