Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 46 Configuring Enhanced Object Tracking
Configuring Enhanced Object Tracking Features
Configuring a Tracked List with a Weight Threshold
To track by weight threshold, configure a tracked list of objects, specify that weight is used as the
threshold, and configure a weight for each of its objects. The state of each object is determined by
comparing the total weight of all objects that are up against a threshold weight for each object.
You cannot use the Boolean “NOT” operator in a weight threshold list.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to configure a tracked list of objects by using a
eight threshold and to configure a weight for each object:
Use the no track tr
ack-number global configuration command to delete the tracked list.
The example configures track list 4 to track by weight
threshold. If object 1 and object 2 are down, then
track list 4 is up because object 3 satisfies the up threshold value of up 30. But if object 3 is down, both
objects 1 and 2 must be up in order to satisfy the threshold weight.
Switch(config)# track 4 list threshold weight
Switch(config-track)# object 1 wei
ght 15
Switch(config-track)# object 2 wei
ght 20
Switch(config-track)# object 3 wei
ght 30
Switch(config-track)# threshold we
ight up 30 down 10
Switch(config-track)# exit
This configuration can be useful if object 1 and object 2 represent two small bandwidth connections and
object 3 represents one large bandwidth connection. The configured down 10 value means that once the
tracked object is up, it will not go down until the threshold value is equal to or lower than 10, which in
this example means that all connections are down.
Command Purpose
Step 1
configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step 2
track track-number list threshold
Configure a tracked list object and enter tracking configuration mode. The
track-number can be from 1 to 500.
• threshold—Specify the state of the tracked list based on a threshold.
• weight—Specify that the threshold is based on weight.
Step 3
object object-number [weight
Specify the object to be tracked. The range is from 1 to 500. The optional
weight weight-number specifies a threshold weight for the object. The range
is from 1 to 255.
Note An object must exist before you can add it to a tracked list.
Step 4
threshold weight {up number |
[down number]}
Specify the threshold weight.
• up number—The valid range is from 1 to 255.
• down number—(Optional) The range depends on the number selected
for the up number. If you configure the up number as 25, the range
shown for the down number is 0 to 24.
Step 5
delay {up seconds [down seconds] |
[up seconds] down seconds}
(Optional) Specify a period of time in seconds to delay communicating state
changes of a tracked object. The range is from 1 to 180 seconds.
Step 6
end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 7
show track object-number Verify that the specified objects are being tracked.
Step 8
copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.