Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 13 Configuring Interface Characteristics
Using Interface Configuration Mode
• Module number—The module or slot number on the switch that is always 0.
• Port number—The interface number on the switch. The 10/100/1000 port numbers always begin
at 1, starting with the far left port when facing the front of the switch, for example,
igabitethernet1/0/1 or gigabitethernet1/0/8.
On a switch with 10/100/1000 ports and Cisco TwinGig Converter Modules in the 10-Gigabit
ernet module slots, the port numbers restart with the 10-Gigabit Ethernet ports:
On a switch with 10/100/1000 port
s and Cisco dual SFP X2 converter modules in the 10-Gigabit
Ethernet module slots, the SFP module ports are numbered consecutively following the 10/100/1000
interfaces. For example, if the switch has 24 10/100/1000 ports, the SFP module ports are
gigabitethernet1/0/25 through gigabitethernet1/0/28.
You can identify physical interfaces by physically checking the interface location on the switch. You can
also use
the show privileged EXEC commands to display information about a specific interface or all
the interfaces on the switch. The remainder of this chapter primarily provides physical interface
configuration procedures.
These are examples of how to identify interfaces on a 3750-X switch:
• To configure 10/100/1000 port 4 on a standalone switch, enter this command:
Switch(config)# interface gigabitethernet1/0/4
• To configure 10-Gigabit Ethernet port 1 on a standalone switch, enter this command:
Switch(config)# interface tengigabitethernet1/0/1
• To configure 10-Gigabit Ethernet port on stack member 3, enter this command:
Switch(config)# interface tengigabitethernet3/0/1
If the switch has SFP modules, the port numbers continue consecutively.To configure the first SFP
module port on stack member 1 with 16 10/100/1000 ports, enter this command:
Switch(config)# interface gigabitethernet1/0/25
Procedures for Configuring Interfaces
These general instructions apply to all interface configuration processes.
Step 1 Enter the configure terminal command at the privileged EXEC prompt:
Switch# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Step 2 Enter the interface global configuration command. Identify the interface type, the switch number (only
on Catalyst 3750-X switches), and the number of the connector. In this example, Gigabit Ethernet port 1
switch 1 is selected:
Switch(config)# interface gigabitethernet1/0/1
Note You do not need to add a space between the interface type and the interface number. For example,
in the preceding line, you can specify either gigabitethernet 1/0/1, gigabitethernet1/0/1,
gi 1/0/1, or gi1/0/1.