Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 42 Configuring IP Unicast Routing
Configuring RIP
Step 4
network network number Associate a network with a RIP routing process. You can specify multiple
network commands. RIP routing updates are sent and received through
interfaces only on these networks.
Note You must configure a network number for the RIP commands to
take effect.
Step 5
neighbor ip-address (Optional) Define a neighboring router with which to exchange routing
information. This step allows routing updates from RIP (normally a
broadcast protocol) to reach nonbroadcast networks.
Step 6
offset list [access-list number | name]
{in | out} offset [type number]
(Optional) Apply an offset list to routing metrics to increase incoming
and outgoing metrics to routes learned through RIP. You can limit the
offset list with an access list or an interface.
Step 7
timers basic update invalid holddown
(Optional) Adjust routing protocol timers. Valid ranges for all timers are
0 to 4294967295 seconds.
• update—The time between sending routing updates. The default is
30 seconds.
• invalid—The timer after which a route is declared invalid. The
default is 180 seconds.
• holddown—The time before a route is removed from the routing
table. The default is 180 seconds.
• flush—The amount of time for which routing updates are postponed.
The default is 240 seconds.
Step 8
version {1 | 2} (Optional) Configure the switch to receive and send only RIP Version 1
or RIP Version 2 packets. By default, the switch receives Version 1 and 2
but sends only Version 1.
You can also use the interface commands ip
rip {send | receive} version
1 | 2 | 1 2} to control what versions are used for sending and receiving on
Step 9
no auto summary (Optional) Disable automatic summarization. By default, the switch
summarizes subprefixes when crossing classful network boundaries.
Disable summarization (RIP Version 2 only) to advertise subnet and host
routing information to classful network boundaries.
Step 10
no validate-update-source (Optional) Disable validation of the source IP address of incoming RIP
routing updates. By default, the switch validates the source IP address of
incoming RIP routing updates and discards the update if the source
address is not valid. Under normal circumstances, disabling this feature
is not recommended. However, if you have a router that is off-network
and you want to receive its updates, you can use this command.
Step 11
output-delay delay (Optional) Add interpacket delay for RIP updates sent.
By default, packets in a multiple-pack
et RIP update have no delay added
between packets. If you are sending packets to a lower-speed device, you
can add an interpacket delay in the range of 8 to 50 milliseconds.
Step 12
end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 13
show ip protocols Verify your entries.
Step 14
copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.
Command Purpose