AMD Confidential
User Manual November 21
, 2008
228 Appendix A
1 simnow> ide:0.DVDROMStatus 0
1 simnow> ide.DVDROMStatus 0
In addition to the commands supported by the various devices, detailed below, all devices
support the usage and ausage command. These commands return a brief description of
each of the commands supported by a specific device. For example, to get a non-
alphabetic ordered list of the commands supported by the shell, you could send the
1 simnow> shell.usage
To get an alphabetic ordered list of the commands supported by the shell, please use the
ausage command as shown here:
1 simnow> shell.ausage
To get an overview of all automation commands which are not attached to any specific
device enter:
1 simnow> help
Execute automation commands in [file].
List shell automation commands, same as
Create a new SimNow machine, and make that
machine the “current” machine for subsequent
Switches the “current” machine to the machine
identified by „n‟ the given number.
Lists the SimNow machines that currently exist.
Quits the current SimNow machine.
Exits the current SimNow machine.
Displays all automation commands which are
not attached to any specific device.
A.7.1 Shell
To list all registered shell commands enter
1 simnow> shell.usage
Displays value to the standard output device (by
default, the screen).
Closes all open GUI components and exits the