Configure Voice over Wireless IP Service 91
15 Click Next. Select RadioProfileVoic in the Radio Profiles list.
16 Click Finish.
Create a Service Profile for Vocera VoWIP Devices
1 Select Configuration on the toolbar.
2 In the Organizer panel, expand the WX switch.
3 Expand Wireless, then select Wireless Services.
4 In the Task List panel, select Voice Service Profile.
The Voice Service Profile wizard is displayed.
5 Click Next.
6 Change the service profile name to Voice-Vocera, and use the name
VoceraBadges for the SSID.
7 Select Vocera in the Vendor drop-down list.
8 Click Next. Leave MAC Access selected.
9 Click Next. Leave Static WEP selected.
10 Specify the WEP keys.
For each key (up to four), type the key value in the corresponding key box.
By default, data in unicast and multicast packets are encrypted using
WEP key 1. To use another key for either type of packet, select the key
number in the WEP Unicast Key Index or WEP Multicast Key Index box.